Supporters : Paramount Theatre Austin


Supporters listed includes gifts made between 10/1/2019 and 11/1/2020 (last updated 11/1/2020).

Hall of Legends

Thank you to our Paramount legends! Each donor listed here has shown great generosity, friendship and loyalty to Paramount and Stateside Theatres. These donors receive permanent recognition at the Paramount for their significant annual contributions for ten+ years consecutively. We are proud to acknowledge them for their invaluable support to keep the magic alive for generations to come.

Twenty+ Years

Velocity Credit Union*

Ten+ Years

Tracie and Kurt Chew
Dr. William P. Barnes, V.
Holly and James Bohart
Melissa and Mark Burnett
Donna and Jim Byerlotzer
Diane and Jim Cano
Judy and Patrick Cantilo
City of Austin Cultural Arts Division*
Eloise and John Paul DeJoria
Lynne Dobson and Greg Wooldridge
Sharon Francia
Diane and Keith Graham
F. O’Neil Griffin*
Tina and George Huntington
Frances and Greg Ledenbach
Libby and Dale Linebarger*
Susan and Craig Litherland
Mari and Greg Marchbanks
Brad and Michele Moore
Ariel Murphy
Mary Pfluger and Gary Keller
Jay Novik and Janie Slevens
The Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Foundation
Janna and Steve Paulson
Syd Sharples
Shari and Eric Stein
Liz and Duff Stewart
Texas Commission on the Arts
Carole Tower and Matthew St. Louis
Yolanda Uribe Rangel and Jose Rangel
Visit Austin
The Wright Family Foundation
Hilary and Stan Young

*denotes cumulative giving of $1,000,000+

Century Club

Thank you to our major donors! Century Club support is essential in maintaining the Paramount and Stateside Theatres, Paramount Education, and more at a $10,000+ annual membership.


Tamara and Matthew Ketterman


Ana and David Martin


Susan and Brent Bockholt
Diane and Jim Cano
Tina and George Huntington
Jennifer and David Kaufman
Annie Linebarger and Jason Jones
Dale Linebarger
Susan and Craig Litherland
Mafalda Tan and Jeff Straathof
Julie Tereshchuk and Dr. Trevor Richards
Urbanspace Real Estate + Interiors
Dr. Douglas F. and Anjuli Winker


Lynn and Randy Atchison
Dolly and John Barclay
Dr. William P. Barnes, V
Jamie Barshop
Becky Beaver
Belinda Bennet and Dave Husen
Laura and Kyndel Bennett
Paige and Mark Blake
Holly and James Bohart
Julianne and Bill Brackin
Karen and Brian Burgess
Suzanne and Terry Burgess
Melissa and Mark Burnett
Donna and Jim Byerlotzer
Sara and Steve Cady
Judy and Patrick Cantilo
Thurman K. Case and Ewa Sedrowsca
Tracie and Kurt Chew
John Cook and Betty Pearce
Paige and Scott Cox
Mark and Genevieve Crozier
Sue and David Darrow
Joanne Debyah and William Lynn
Eloise and John Paul DeJoria
Mary and Grant Ellis
Gretchen and Bob Ellis
Soriya Estes and Kelli House
Jessica and Marc Evans
Carol and Jeff Fegan
Raechal and Andrew Ferguson
Ashley and Jason Floyd
Sharon Francia
Pete and Alice Garcia
Lisa and Phil Gilbert
Sam Goodner
The Graham Family Foundation
Diana and Robert Greenfield
Gary Grossenbacher and Dr. Gabrielle Theriault
Sonia and Vikram Grover
Mary Ann and Andrew Heller
Charlotte Herzele
Barbara Horan
Kathryn Blackbird and Craig Hurwitz
Dr. Andrea and Whit Hutson
Kathy Raesz and David Johnson
Mary Pfluger and Gary Keller
Meghan Womack and Josh Knowles
Jessica and Dillan Knudson
Kelley Knutson
Pat Koen & Kristi Guszak
Kelly and JB Kolodzey
Margaret and Frank Krasovec
Frances and Greg Ledenbach
Carolyn Lewis
Dr. Roseann Mandziuk
Mari and Greg Marchbanks
Stacey Martinez and Gale Valley
Linda and Howard McCollum
Liz and Sean McDonald
Jonathan and Leslie Moore
Michele and Brad Moore
Peter Moossy & Dr. Michael Moossy
Michelle and Kevin Mundt
Mary Murchison
Teri and Jerry Naiser
Newhart Taylor
Marsha and Eric Nichols
Janna and Steve Paulson
Robin and Jeff Picard
Lisa and Mike Pizinger
Forrest F. Preece and Linda Ball
Caroline and Nelson Puett
Mike & DK Reynolds
Chrissy and Marty Hand
Jessica Rossman
Jeanmarie and Scott Rust
Kent and Donna Scarbrough
Sarah and Berny Schiff
Joey Schonefeld
Seiders Family
Syd Sharples
Dina Shoults
Amy Simmons
David C. Smith and Chris Long
Carole Tower and Matthew St. Louis
Ronda and Stuart Stahl
Kristi and Blake Stanford
Shari and Eric Stein
Liz and Duff Stewart
Bruce Stuckman, Ph.D and Kelly Christianson
Kathy Bloch Swarts
Mary and Rusty Tally
Kathy and Patrick Terry
Kristi Thorne
Yolanda Uribe Rangel and Jose Rangel
Kim and Matthew Vaughan
Janet Bray and Mark Weiss
Dinah and Rod Welsh
Liz and David White
Catherine and David Wilkes
Donna and Dan Wilkins
Deborah Wisneski and Eric Verret
Neile and Jan Wolfe
Lynne Dobson and Greg Wooldridge
Katherine Wright and Will Burdick
Hilary and Stan Young

$250+ Donors

Thank you to our donors! Your support goes directly to historic preservation, world-class programming that serves our entire community, Paramount Education programs for Central Texas students, classic film, and more.



Daryl Abell
Greg Abell and Cynthia Work
Sherron Abernethy
Michael and Patricia Abkowitz
Ilona Abramova
David Aceves
Jonathan Acosta
Luke Adams
Hugh Addington
Laura Agnew and William Abell
Robert Agnor
Dan and Jenny Ahearn
Michael Ahearn
Nasser Ahmad
Candace L. Ahuja
Curt and Samantha Akins
Dolores Alcala
Jerome Alexander Jr.
Stacy and Doug Alexander
Tamara Alexander
Jawad Ali
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Allen
Luke Allen
Erin Almanza
Alpheus Media
Paul Alvarez
Arvelene Amari
Libby and Sam Amato
Melvin Amerson
Amy’s Ice Creams
Susan Andersen
Dixie L Anderson
Anderson’s Coffee Co.
Chris Anderson
Connie Anderson
Darold and Jennifer Anderson
Gary Anderson
Carla and James Anderson
Raj Singh & Renata Anderson
Robert Edwin Anderson
Tiffany Anderson
Sarah Andre and Jason Neulander
Windy Andre
Elizabeth Andrews
Mario Andrews
Kay Andrews and Charles Nowland
Gennaro Anesi
Ony Anglade
Catherine Antolak
Val Antonio, Attorney
Michelle Apodaca
Applied Materials Foundation
Rachel Arellano
Denise Armstrong and Joanna Davis
Kay Arnold
Reed Arnos
Donna Blevins and Elvia Arriola
Sepehr Arshadmansab
Jacob Arthur
Joel Artzt
Mara Ash
Stanley Ashlock
Kelson Astley
ATX Black Car
Susannah Auby
Austen-Holt Family Trust
Rebecca Austen and Stacy Holt
Austin Marathon
Debra Austin
Austin Public Health Department


Edgar and Maria Bacares
Nils Bagge
Robin Bailey
The Baird Family
Dr. James and Kay Baker
Olivia Clark Baker and Davis Baker
Shelly Baldwin
Bill Balliette
Bank of America
John and Bunny Barbieri
Debra and Carlos Barbosa
Laura Barbour
Peter Barbour
Bobbie Barker
John Barksdale
Lisa and Don Barlow
The Boebel Family
James and Cindy Barnett
Amy Lemmerman-Barnhart
Linda R. Barr
Dr. Ronald Barr
Frank and Maxette Barrow
Kevin Barry
Greg Bass
John Basset and Dorothy Marchand
Rebecca and Charles Baxter
Brenda Bays
Robert Beach
Frank Bean
Christopher Beaver
William Bechtol
Joshua Becker
Scott Becker
Nancy Beckett
Catherine Beddow
Nancy Bedingfield
Belinda Bednarczuk
David Bedwell
Cynthia and Patrick Behling
Bryant Bell
Christopher Bell
Deby Bell
Ellen Bell
Joshua Bell
Ruhi and Chandler Bell
Diane Belt
Christian Benavides
Marvin and Linda Bendele
Linda Benjamin
Christopher Bennett
Alan Berg and Kristen Johansen-Berg
Pamela and Thomas Bernhardt
Better Business Bureau
Beth Beutel
Lacey Bingham-Ramos
Martha and Kathy Blackwell
Joel Blakeney
Phillip and Meredith Blanchar
Karen and Weston Blaney
Maria and Daniel Bleier
Kelli Blount
Blueprint Advancement
SaraMarie Blunt
Savannah Bluth
Bob and Sandi Tomlinson
Whitney Bodman
Katy and Thomas Bohuslav
Erika Bonfanti
Colleen Bonney and Karen Russell
Karen Bookatz
Phillip Bookert
Suzanne Deal Booth
Dennis Borel
Elizabeth Borkland
Boston Trust Walden
David Boswell
Sara Boswell
Peter Botelho and Cheryl Ruhmann
Jeff Bowden
Greg Bowers
Andrew Bowman
Carol Bowser
Duane and Barbara Boyd
Tom Boyd
Kathy Boyles
Chuck Brady
Gayle Braecklein
Elaine Branagh
JoAnna Brand
Brandt Allison M. Foundation
Allan Brandt
Stacey Breach
Rachel and Mark Breedlove
Amy and Chip Brees
Mike Breitkreutz
Sereniah Breland
John and Julie Brelsford
Dr. Breneman and Dr. Plasket
Breneman/Plasket Family Fund
Victoria Breshears
Siegen Bretzke
Stacey and Joel Brewer
Sarah Brilliant
Melinda Brooks
Timothy and Kerry Brosnihan
Rod Broussard
Andrew Brown
Carol Brown
Catherine Brown
Christopher Brown
Janice and Charlie Brown
Jeffrey W. Brown
Kay Brown
Chris Browne
Maya Browne and Laurence Pels
Tracie Browne
Dane Browner
William and Christy Browning
Michael Bruemmer
Samuel And Gigi Bryant
Joe Bryson and Dr. Anne Ames
Greg Buchanan and Jennifer Briggs
Danielle Buckley
Paige Buechley
Jan Buesing
Rc Buford
Sean Bukowski
Annette Carlozzi and Dan Bullock
Catherine Burgess
Christine Burgess and John Prater
Patricia and Jimmy Burkett
Sarah Burleson
The Burner Family
Janet and Burnie Burner
Laurie Burney
David Burns
Kent Burress and Michael Pressler
Cherrylynn Burris
Bryan Burrough
Amy Bush
Stephanie Bush
Deann Bustos
Wayne Butler
Sarah Buttrey
Amy Byrd
Reba Byrd and Charlie Sampley
Dan Byrne
Brian Byrwa


Catie and Tony Cacci
Debbie and F. Kell Cahoon
Craig Calvert
Jamie Campbell
Cynra Canaan
Cano Family Fund
Martin and Sabrina Cano
Brian Cantrell
Diana Cantu
Robert Cantu
CPM Texas
Andrea Cardenas
Vincent Cardenas
Jennifer Carley
Maureen Carlson
John and Kelli Carlton
Donald Carnes
Judith and John Carney
The Carol K. Engler Foundation
Linda and Stan Carpenter
Catherine Carr Worley
Sara Carr
Jenny Carroll
Thomas Carstens
Jason Carter
Cary Designs
Marian and Chris Casey
Roland Castanie
Jody Castano and Dean Neikirk
Lauren and Michael Castellon
Olivo Castillo and Family
Victor Castillo
Alyssa Castro
Julio C. Castro
Alania Cater
Randall Cauley
Stefanie Cavanaugh
Ed Cavazos
Debbie Cerda
Veronica Cervantes
Daniel Chacon
Amy Chamberlain
Sewell Chan
Mousumi Chanda-Kim
Cheryl Chandler
Michael Chaney and Michael Taylor
Irene Chang-Cimino
Laura Chapman
Tony Chaump
Jeanne Chauvin
Jeremy Chichester
Megan Chinworth
Jane and Rick Chopp
Emilie Christy
Michelle Chuang
DeDe and Todd Church
Michael Cies
Heritage Tourism Division of the City of Austin
James Ciulik
Jeff and Katy Civins
Sally N. Clark-Raphael
Erica Clark
Ryan Clark
Elizabeth Clarke
Stephen and Lizzie Clarke
Heidi Clausen
Chase Clay
Clayton Korte
Suzanne Clayton
Jennifer Clement
Kevin and Sue Cloud
Kathleen and Dean Cobb
Stephen T. Cochran
Paul Cockreham
Cofer and Connelly
Derrell Coker
Paula and Doug Coker
Samantha and Amaury Colvarro
Marissa Colclasure
Solomon Cole
Tad Cole
Olivia Kark
Molly Collie
K. Aaron Collier
Amber and Trey Collins
Gregory Collins
Jacqueline Collins
Ben Combee
Commodore Perry Estate
Timothy Comstock
Lauren Connell
Richard and Jeanne Connell
Valerie Conner
Christine Connor
Melissa Constantinides
Reed Cook
George Copeland
The Copeland Family
John Corcoran
Core Therapy and Pilates
Laura Corman
Janna Cormier
George Corrigan
Valerie Corry
Tecla Cosgrove
Amy and Joseph Coulston
Suzanne Court
Barrett Covington
Jessica Cowen
Cecelia F. Cox
CPS Energy
Matthew Craig
Jeremy Crase
Tara Crider
Carly and Barrett Criscoe
Cross River Bank
Beth and William Crowley
Janet Crowley
Beverly and Brian Crozier
Jeramy Cruz
Ruth Cude
Armando A Cuevas
John Cullen
Gayle Cullington
Beth Culver and Miguel Figueroa
Jason and Brandy Cumberland
Barry Cummings
Scott Cunningham
Gerald N. and Helen B. McAllister Fund
Melissa Curtis
McFarland Family
Danielle Cutler


Caylin Dadeo-Winick
Tracy Dahl-Burg and George Burg
Dial Foundation
Richard Darr
Sue Darrow
Ritankar Das
James D. Davidson
C. M. Davis and Paul Rogers
Rachel Davis
Robin and Joe Davis
Lisana De la Torre
Christopher Dealey
Janet Dean
Jeri DeAngelis
Valerie and Erik Debill
Gerardo Del Real
Dell Technologies Inc.
Brenda Demaline
Jason Dent
Dentsu Creative
Jodi and Jonathan Denyszyn
Drs. Thomas McMinn and Parul Desai
Allison Dew
Sunita Dharani
Philip and Christine Dial
Charles Dickey
Harry Dietz
Tracy Killam DiLeo
Dime Box Distillery Llc
Ron Dingwall
Joe DiQuinzio and Sue Littlefield
Disco Learning Media
Katherine D. Dixon
Doan Family Fund
Ross Doan
Deborah K. Dobbs in Memory of Betty & Gene Dobbs & Clara Holmes
Jessica Doklovic
Peter and Patty Dollive
David and Judy Donohue
Jim and Linda Donovan
Lenny Dorr
Marjorie Dorr
Anne Dorsey
Noble and Sharon Doss
Alicia Downard
Rebecca Dreke
Impact Sales & Marketing
Eleanor and Frank Drewniak
Holly Driggers
Barbara Driscoll
Paul and Laura Drummond
Duane and Barbara Boyd
Dubois Bryant and Campbell
Elena Duca
Jane Dueease
Laurie and Drew Duncan
Michael Duncan and Martha Beard-Duncan
Wayne and Emily Dunlap
Vickie Dunlevy
Terrell Halaska and David Dunn
Terre Dunn
Joe and Josie Durante
Frederick, Ann & Will Dure
Carol Dwyer Household
Mary and Kevin Dwyer


Easy Tiger
Michael Ebben
ECG Foundation
Dan and Lauren Ecoff
Janet Edwards
Michael and Carol Edwards
Randall Edwards
Andrea Eggert
Gregg Eggert
Ofelia Elizondo
Kati Elliott
Kristina Elliott
Victoria Elliott
Barbara Ellis
Mary Beth Ellis
George Ann and Teak Elmore
James Elwell
Edible Arrangements
Susan and Robert Epstein
Cheri Erb and Deron Matteson
Mark and Mary Anne Ernst
Zachary Ernst
Clarke Erskine
Constance and Rex Esau
Edward W. Espinoza
Carolyn and Jim Estes
Jeff Etheredge
Mary Etter and James Shotwell
Robert D. Ettinger
Steve Ewing and Emma Montes-Ewin
Nate Ezell


Michael Fabacher
Carol Faget, M.D.
Whitney Falcon
Famous Productions
Jerry Fancher, Jr.
Farabee Family Fund
Ray Farabee
Karen and Steve Farabee
Hilary Farr
Dr. Sam and Maydelle Fason
Sylvia Fatzer
Jaelene Fayhee and Jeff Smith
Carol Fegan
Robert Feiner
Alan Feldman
Michael Fellers
Stacey Fellers and Lori Martin
Shantel Ferdman
James K. Ferguson
Michael Ferreboeuf and Colleen McGarry
John Ferrell
Ann Fickel
John Finkelstine and Ruth Estes
Victoria Finnegan
Michael Fioretti
Cliff Fischer
Daniel Fishman
Julia E. Fitch
Annemarie Fitterer
Tom Fitzpatrick
Adam Flagg
Bruce Flanigan
Kristian Fleming
Lindsay Fleming
Clint and Carol Fletcher
Dan V. Fletcher
Mario Flores
Linda Ford
Barbara Formichelli
Jimena Forn
James Forshaw
Barbara Fox and Jackson LaFave
Dr. April Fox and Dr. Donald Fox
Frederick and Marcia Fox
Robert and Patti Franek
Garry Franklin
Jamie Franklin
Melyssa Fratkin
Jenny Frazier
Matthew and Megan Frederick
Jennifer and Frank Freeman
Friedel Family Foundation by Lynne & Steve Gellman
Pamela Friedman and Mitch Sundet


Jan Gacioch
Marilyn T. Gaddis, Ph.D. and George Carruthers
Lisa Galassini
Carlos Gallardo
Jim and Leslie Gammage
Monika Ganey
Gustavo Garcia
Jose Garcia
Letitia Garcia
Russ Garcia
Kunal Garg
Erin Garner
Kathryn and Steve Garner
William Garner
Amit Garrepalli
Mary B. Garrett
Matthew Garrett
Garrison Brothers Distillery
Nancy and Dan Garrison
Antonio Garcia
MFGarza Law Firm PLLC
Oscar Garza
Rich Garza
Bob and Pam Garza
Joseph Gatti
Josh Gauthreaux
Aakash Gawande
Friedel Family Foundation by Lynne & Steve Gellman
Holly Genovese
Angela Genter
Thomas and Karen Gentry
Caroline Geppert
Danelle Gerber
Dale and Joey Gerner
Stella Gerwig
Marlene Geschke
Caroline Gibbs
Gregory Gibson
Jr Rapier and O’Shea Gifford
The Gilbert Family
Kim Gilby
Debra and John Gilluly
Travis Gilpin
Ryan Girton
Jason G.
Brandi Glasspoole
Rachel Glast
Brian and Shawn Gleason
Chad and Kathleen Goddard
James Godfrey
Justin Godfrey
Michael and Catheryn Godfrey
Julie Zimmerman
David and Estelle Goldblatt
Cynthia Goldrick
Katherine Goldsberry
Kinnan Golemon
Enrique Gomez
Julie N. Gomez
David A. Gonzalez
The Gonzalez Family
Gabby Gonzalez
Sara Gonzalez and Cutter Holt
Courtney Goodings
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Goodman
Kelly Goodpastor
Kaushal Goradia
Tana Gordon
Kathy Goss
Stephen Goudreault
Carl Gradek
Ricky Graham
Catherine Graves
Sarah Gray
Amber Green
Katie Green
Brenda Greene and George Scott Mitchell
Steven and Emily Greenwood
Greg Sheff/Sarah Buttrey Fund
Rae Ann Gregg
John and Lisa Gres
Malcolm Grey
Laura Griebel
Anne-Marie Griger
Mike Groener
Mark Gronquist
Cheryl Gross
Darron Gross
John Gross
Michael Guiliano
Nichole Guptill
Holly Gureski
Leo Gute
Manuela Gutt
Molly Guyton


H-E-B Helping Here
Jennifer Hackett
The Hagenau Family
Ian and Belinda Haggard
Nick Hahn
Nancy Haines
Loryn S. Hairston
Mary Haley
Gabriel Hall
Julie Hall
Michael Hall
Jeremy Hallford
Marty and Toni Vance Halseth
Zed Hamblin Di Menno
Britty Hamby
Keith Hansen
Don and Mary Kay Hanson
Sarah Hanson
Amy M. Hardison
Brian and Tara Hardy
Michael G. Harkins
Jon and Leah Harlig
Christopher Harman
Bil and Dawn Harmer
Kyle Harper
Trevor and Davis Harper
Linda B. Harrell
Sue Harrigan
Todd-Harris Family
Tom Harrison
Rod Harter
Aubrey Chad Hartmann and Molly McDonald
Jimmy Harvey
Kenneth Harvey
Chris Haskell
Patrick Hatfield
Rebecca Hauck
Susan Hausmann and Dorsey Barger
Noah Hawley
Ben Haworth
Eric Hawthorne
Jonathan Hay
Lonna Hayes
The Haynes Family
Dr. Lynda LaRue Haynes, PhD
Charles Jenkins and Gay Heavilin
Janet Hebert
Adam B. Heeter
Charles Heimsath
Gayle Heintz and Steve Heintz
Dr. Kris Heinzman
Scott Helbing
Craig M. Helfrich
Keith and Beatriz Hennessy
Sean and Teresa Henry
Charles Hentrich
Mike Herdzina
Scott Herlihy
Scott B. Herlihy
Gabe Hernandez
Gina A. Hernandez
Mary Elizabeth Herring
Shane Hertig
Steven and Suzanne Hesley
Nathan and Lisa Hess
Joseph Hewitt
Rita Hewitt
Corey and Tiffany Hicks
Frank Higgerson
Kelley Higgins
Ashley Highsmith
Thomas C. Hilbert
Margaret Hill
Randy and Shirley Hill
Sandra Hill
Todd and Christie Hilliard
Lyn Hillman
David and Tracey Hime
Dustin Hindman
Brenda Hindsman
Kelly and Dean Hines
Dalton Hirshorn
Gregory and Laura Hitt
Mindy Hoang
The Hochman Family
Tom and Mellie Hogan
Jeanne and Van Hoisington
Timothy Holland
Kathryn Holleman
Michael and Judith Morrow Holleran
Bruce and Lauren Holmes
William Holmes
Jamie and Mickey Holtzman
Neil Honeck
Bill Hoover
Michael Hopkins
Tim Horan Jr.
Kathleen Horgan and Howard Moore
Raina Hornaday
Chandra Hosek
Yatin Hoskote
Kerry L. Hotchkiss
Janet Houck
Eric Hougland
The House of Love
Mark and Peggy Howard
Vicki Roberts
Reed Hubbard
Amy B. Hubert
Paul and Joan Hudson
David Huffaker
Henry Hughes
Melissa Hughes
Brian Hull
Mary Riggs and Michael Hull
Amy Hunt
Carl F. Hunter II
Janie Hunter
Teala and Thomas Hurley
Kathlene Hurt
Husch Blackwell
The Huschka Family
Katherine Hutter and Isaac Heger
Ngoc Huynh
Bruce Hyatt


Keiko Ichiye
Martha Iglehart
Impact Sales
Will Ingram
Ion Art, Inc.
Itron, Inc.
Patricia L. Ivy


Donna Jackson
Joyce Jackson
Gabriel Jamail
Jeremy James
Nicki James
Peter James
Sarah Coronado James
Tricia Janes and Jeremy Schrecengost
Eric Jasso
Susie and Kenny Jastrow
Dr. Diane Jenkins
Logan Edward Jenkins
Jim and Rose Jennings
Steve and Kathleen Jennings
Cheryl Jessee
Dino and Leslie Jobe
Mary Jochem
Kacye Johnson
Patrick Johnson
Craig Johnston
Paul Johnston
Karen Jolly
Courtland Jones
Loren and Karee Jones
Maddie Jones
Steve Jones
Timothy Jones
Aline and Ray Jordan
Maica and John Jordan
Margaret A. Jordan
JP’s Peace Love & Happiness Foundation
Amy Juarez
Marija Jukic and Clay Norton


Ted and Rebecca Kalomiris
Robert Kamm
The Kane Family
Daniel Kapulkin
Sahiti Karempudi
Mark Kartarik
Ann Kasper
Brandon Katz
Tricia and Hal Katz
Judson and Renee Kauffman
Rick Kaven
Gary Kelleher
Leslie Kelley-Scott
Renee J. Kelly
Crystal Kelzer
Michael Kemp
Carlos and Carlos Kempff
Julia Kenworthy
Michael Kerensky
Danielle Kern
Michelle Kerr
Tim Kerr
Mari Kettler
Aaron Kiffe
Kory Kilpatrick
Gabe Kirchner
Valerie Kirk
Lauren Kleine
Bobbie Kleman
Natalie Kloss
Paul and Alanna Knaus
Garret Kobza
Mark Koelsch
Susanna Kohlmyer
Jeffrey Korn
David Kotz
Caroline S. Kraft
Aileen Krassner and Michael Kiehl
Kavila Krishnan
Kruger’s Diamond Jewelers
Angela Kueck
Dawn Kulpanowski
Marc Kundler
Daryl Kunik
Janet Kurasz
Edward I. Kurtzer


Nanette Labastida
Lafitte Properties
Ann Lancaster
Matthew Lancaster
Christophe Landa
Blair Landrum
Chase Landrum
Tim Lane
Mike Lasater
Kevin Lashus and Jennifer Maynard
Kim Lasserre
Matthew Laudon
John Lauer and John Heim
Laurence Pels Charitable Trust
Lawrence and Susan Newhart Trust
Jay Lawrence and Terrell Walsh
Kris Lawson
LBJ Family Foundation
Mark Leach
Nicholas Learned
Laura LeBlanc
Chris Lecompte
Suzanne Ledet
Paul Ledger
Michael and Caroline Legatt
Kimberly L. LeGrand
Jole Lehr-fizer
Kevin Lenahan
Regan Lenehan
Todd Lessig
Jeffrey Levenberg Sr and Sheri Parr
Brian Levy
Joseph Levy
Kendall and Richard Levy
Tobin Levy
Sue and Larry Lewellyn
Jason Lewis
Michael Lewis
Tracy Lewis
William Lieberman
Raul Liendo
Lisa and Erik Lindqvist
Dr. Larry Lindsay
Jordin Lineback
Emma Linn
Linus Security Blanket Fund
Barbara Lipscomb
Sam Litherland
Julie Littlefield
George and Sandra Littlejohn
Monique Litwinko
Annie Liu
Dracos Locario
Joseph Locey
Robert J. Lonergan
Eric Long and Tracy Walsh
James C. Jana Long
Kathy Long
Matthew Long
Ryan Longmuir
Valorie Loomer
Jose Lopez
Mary Lorenz
Kristopher Louie
Marcy Lowther
Jenny and Erik Loza
Tonia Lucio
Alan and Heather Luecke
Jennifer Lueckemeyer
Christine Luo
John Lynch
Steven Lynn
Julia Lyons-Ryle
Richard F. Lyons


Sean Mabarak
Kari MacEwan
Pat Macgran
Andy MacLaurin
Fabiana MacMillan
Jane Maddox-Coady
Daniel Magallanes
Husam Mahjoub
John Mahnken
Richard Maier
Jodi and John Maley
Pat Manning
Jamie Manzanalez
Daniel Marcotte
Billy Marcus
Annie Markovich
Sydna Marshall and Adam Keys
Cynthia and Paul Marszal
David Martin
Anthony Cat James
Eddie and Shannon Martinez
Donald S. Mason Jr.
Joan Mason
Cameron Mass
Jane and Daniel Matheson
Renee Mathews
Sean Mathis
Matt Lankes Photography
Brian and Ashley Mathews
Geoff Mattie
Maxwell Locke & Ritter, L.L.P.
Jan and Jeff Mayes
Stephanie Mayes
Stephen Mayeux
Donald Maynard
John Mazzie
Alex McAlmon
Dr. David P. McAnulty
Dr. Amy J McCaffrey
William McCarty
Mary McClain
Marci McClenon
Brian McClure
April McCormack
Rene and Jay McCoy
Joseph McCray
Lynn and Matthew McCreary
Richard McCrohan
Emily McCue
Rafferty McDonald
Sarah and Sam McDonald
Christopher McDowell and Heather Helman
Douglas McDowell
Jeffrey McDowell
Melissa McDowell
Adonia McFarland
Alyson McGee
Scott McGill
John and Jennifer McGrath
Claire Aherne
Jamie McKenzie
Joshua McKinney
Fred McMillen
Patricia McMillen
Tricia McNamara
Albert McNamee
Marsha McNeese
Kevin McPherson
Augie McQuiston
Patrick and Bethany McSorley
Elizabeth McTeer and Doreen Dockweiler
Meredith and Alex Meagher
Hannah Meehan
Kevin Mefford
Jeff Meisenhelder
John Mensching
Katrina Meredith
Marcus Merrell and Kristin Meredith
Garry Merritt
Messiah Lutheran Church
Capital Metro
Metropolitan Breakfast Club
Kerrie L. Metschan
Susto Mezcal
Donnie Michael
Terri and Keith Milan
Malcolm and Valerie Milburn
David Miller
Brandon and Lori Miller
Madison Miller Make-up
United Plumbing Services
Pat Miller
Tim Miller
Bonnie K. Mills and Doug Eicher
Laurie Mills
Law Office of Addy Miro
Lori Mitchell
Lynn and Mary Moak
Michael Moeller and Nora Linares-Moeller
Melissa Moloney and Chris Walk
Keith and Sybil Momii
Kathleen Monahan
Gat Moncla
Gatlin Moncla
Orlando Mondragon
Amy and Jay Monkman
Brenda Monteith
Liza Montelongo
George Montgomery
Moody Foundation
Ronnie and Kelly Moon
Dawn M. Moore
Sarah Moore-Gibson
Will Moore and Joy Kennedy
Brionne and Marco Morales
Christopher Moran
Jennifer Moran
Paul Moreau
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Phi Morin
Laura Moritz
Ann and Jeff Morris
Michael Morris
The Mott Family
Charles Mouch
Movability Austin
Ms. K’s Bail Bonds
Peter Mullan
Chandra Muller and Bill Beckner
Ryan Murdock
John Murphy


Mary Jane Nalley
National Endowment for the Arts
Joe Navejas
Lauren Neil-Jeffrey
Tracey and David Nelson
John Nelson and Claire Taylor
Julie Nelson and Paul Gaither
Don and Meri Nelson
Jeff Neria
Jeffrey and Steph Neumann
Nichole Newlan Household
Angie Newman
Kathryn Newton
Desmond Ng
Del and Charn Nichols
Michael Nichols
Michelle Nickolaisen
The Nicolas Family
Katie Niemeyer
Lisa Adams
The Nobelity Project
Kendra and Pat Norman
Bryan Noteboom
Chinemerem Nwokolo


Shawn and Jacqueline O’Farrell
Jo O’Neil and J. Moore
Jesus Ochoa
Brian Odom
David and Debbie Olander
James Old
Beth and Gary Oliver
Glen Oliver
Omega Nine Corporation
Okay and Hillary Onan
Christopher Orozco
Donna Oshatz
Nermin Osmanovic
Heather Otten and Katherine Loeb
Brad Otts and Birdcreek Roofing
Jeff Owen
Rosalind Owen
Arlyn and Pam Owens
Robin Ozaki


John and Janea Pabst
The Pacey Family Foundation
Daniel A. Pacheco
Rod Paddock
Mechel Paggi
Vincent Paladini
Amy and David Palmer
Anuradha Pandey
David Papas and Mindy Bonine
Brian Parrett
William Parrish
Caitlin Parsons
Connie and Samuel Pate
James Patterson
Tracie Patterson
The Pavia Family
Patty Peebles
Venessa Pena-Robichaux
James and Ruth Pennebaker
Dr. Robert Perez
Alice Perkins
Harrie Perkins
Raymond Perkins
Graham Perks
John Perrin and Shirley Bingham-Perrin
Dr. Edward and Sheila Anne Peters
Pat Peyton
Shari and John Pflueger
Scott and Linnie Phebus
Sam Phillippi
James Phillips
Jaime Phillips
Michael and Dina Phillips
Cynthia Piatti
Tracy Pichard
William Pierce
Janis and Joe Pinnelli
Pioneer Wealth Management Group
Steven Piper
Danelle Pitts and Don Hobson
Beth and Bryan Plater
Pledgeling Foundation
Christine Plonsky
Joseph and Sara Poirier
A.J. Polhill
William Portales
Merrily and Terry Porter
Curt Poutlin
Alicia Pounds
Renee Powell
Steve Power & Mikki McKune
William and Carolyn Powell
Scott and Katharine Powers
Paul Prachyl
David Pratt
Janell Pratt
Jenny and Matt Preece
Drs. Linda and James A. Prentice
Preservation Austin
Jared Price and Linda Connor
Rick Price
Rob Price
Rob and Pansy Price
Peyton and Cathy Prince
Davide Prosperi
David and Dr. Theresa Pugh
Scott Pullen
Kelly and Mark Puzdrak
Steve and Daphne Pyhrr
Tom Pyle and Erin Vander Leest


Dara Quackenbush and Douglas French
Michelle Quintanilla


Nancy Radding
Stephen and Jenny Rafoul
Jason and Sarah Railey
Micha Rains
Rambler Sparkling Water
Frances and George Ramsey
Emily Ramshaw and David Hartstein
Kit Randall and Tom Randall IV
Prashanth Rao
Vijay Ravula
Tracy Rawl
Dorene Ray
Stephen Ray and Sahar Arafat-Ray
Teresa Recr Household
Kinley Redfern
Joel and Laurel Reed
Steven Reed
Richard Reeder
Samuel Reese
Christopher Reid
William Reinders and Christine Keffeler
Caroline Rekoff
Gracie and Bob Renbarger
Susan Renshaw
Pamela Renteria
Mariafrancesca Repucci
Philip Reyna
Brooks Rhinehart
Jennifer Rhoads
Alec Rhodes
John Rhodes
Steven and Karen Rhodes
Garin Richards
Rosa and Johnny Richards
Alyce and Terry Richardson
Jennifer K. Riddick
Kyle Riddle
James Rideout
Gwen Riley
Ryan Rinaldi
Maria Risaliti
Wes and Kimberly Ritchie
Jennifer Ritter and Kim Katner
Debra Rivera
RK Audiology
Patricia Roach and Rob Martin
Dan Roadhouse
Leah Robarts
Jimmy Roberts-Miller
Cheryl Roberts
Nikki Robertson-Griffin
Kyle Robertson
Robin Jackson Photography
Alan Robinson and Susan Frentz
Karen Robinson
Melissa M. Robles
Martin and Marianne Rochelle
Cynthia Roden
Jonny Rodgers
Edgar Rodriguez
Max Rodriguez
Christy and Greg Rogers
Mark and Summer Roricht
Victor Rojas
Clair Rollman-Tinajero
Tony Romero
Leigh Romero and Mark Gifford
Paul A. Roque
Elisabeth Rosa
Louise Rosenzweig
Deborah Roser
Tammy Ross
William and Lesa Rossick
Stephanie and Todd Routh
Atticus and Casey Rowe
Amy Rudy
Shelley and Timothy Rueger
Sharron Rush
Robert Rushing
Susan and Bill Rutherford
Philip Ryals
Jeanne Ryan
Richard Ryan


Karen Saadeh and David Matthis
Paul and Alexandra Saenz
James Sagebiel
Monisha S.
Fardin Saiidi
Lisa Sailer
Sofia Salazar
Susan E. Salch
Marie Salinas
Personique On The Spot
Lonnie and Jenny Samford
Joe Sanders
Kimberly Sandman
Jerry Sandoval
Dr. Kenneth and Elizabeth Sandoval
Laura and Paul Santeler
Enga Santman
Elena V. Saragosa
Sarah Wilson
Catherine Sargent
Saturday’s Hair Co
Katherine Sauer-Bishop
Terry and Debbie Sayther
Richard Scadden and Terri Mitchell
Maureen Scanlon
Gretchen and Daniel Scardino
Ron and Katie Schatzlein
Julie and Richard Schechter
Elaine Schellenger
Sharon Schindler
Jeffry Schneider
Karin Schneider
Anissa and Mark Scholes – Third Rail Creative
Richard Shroer
Vickie Schubert
Sara Schulz
Chad Schutte
Jon Scieszka
Beth Scoggins
Casey Scott
Michael Scully and Doreen Lorenzo
Cynthia Seferian
Diane Selken
Jeremy Selvidge
Brian and Joanne Senn
Eric Seufret
Angela Shansky
Robyn and Michael Shapiro
Ronald Shapiro
Sylvia and Dan Sharplin
James and Matthew Shead
Greg Sheff
Susan and David Sheppard
Cherie Sheriff
Cari Sherlock
Laura Sherman
Ken and Yvonne Shifrin
Amy Shipherd
Parker and Lindsay Short
Matthew Shreves
Emily E. Siegel
Mark Siegmund
Jim and Cesca Silva
Scheryle J. Simmons
Six Square
Jeffrey Skillman
Jacob Smigel
Daniel Smith
David P. Smith and Peggy A. Murphy
Elizabeth Smith
Greg Smith
Kathy Smith
Mariah Smith
Michele Smith
Skip Smith
Stuart and Stephen Smith
Taylor Smith
William and Cathy Smith
Luke Sokolowski
Allison Solin
David I. Solomon
Deborah Sours
Spalding Family Fund
Ted Spalding
Kat Sparks
Bryan Spaulding
Isaac Specter
The Speedwell Foudation
Jeff Spencer
Joshua Spencer
Meagan Spinks
Jean B. Spradlin
Kristy Sprott
Dana Sprute M.D.
Spurs Sports and Entertainment
St. David’s Foundation
Emily Stalder
Tom and Chelsea Stanciu
Gary Standley
Stanford Consulting
Jason Stanford
Henry Steen
Cynthia Stein
Gary Steinmetz
Edward Sternberg
Tom Stevenson
Douglas H. Steves
Darla Stewart
Todd Stinnett
Eva Stinson
Michael D. Stinson
Preston Stinson
Susannah Stinson and Dan Rose
Carolyn Stone
Rhett Stone
Joseph Storbeck
Strait Music Company
Sheila Stricker
Leonard and Dottie Strickler
David Stroup
Andy Sultenfuss
The Summerlee Foundation
Joel and Elisa Sumner
Michelle Suydam
Ed Swarthout
Joan and Peter Swartz
Kacie Swartz
Mark Sweeney
Ellen Sweets
Stafford Wood
Christina P. Sze
Denise L. Szymczak


Catherine Tabor
Sarah Tacker
Roozbeh Taeed
Milad Taghehchian
Evan Tantum
Emily Tarrant and Kyle Klimbal
Edward Tasch and Anne Crawford
Strider Outdoor Design
Nancy and Bill Taute
Whitney and Beau Taylor
Ingrid and James Taylor
Linda Taylor
Shannon Taylor
Suzanne Taylor
Library Interiors of Texas
Gaines Teague
Gayle Teague
Marianne Teetes
Tejemos Foundation
Greg Teltschik
John Tempesta
John L. Temple
David Tereshchuk
Eloi du Bois and Anne-Virginie Ternoir
Britton A. Terrell
Michael and Michael Tetzlall
Texas Commission on the Arts
Curtis J. Thames
Rachel Thau
The Educational Foundation of America
The John A. Barclay Agency, Inc.
The Meyer Levy Charitable Trust
The Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Foundation
The Powell Foundation
Jessica Thomas Bates
Becky Thomas
Chris Thomas
Richard Segura and Alison Walgren
Leslie Powell and Michael Thomas
Susanna Thomas
Tony and Carolyn Thomason
Mat Thompson
Sandra Thornhill
Suzette Thorpe Johnson
Ethan Thuringer
Tiff’s Treats
Paul Tindall
Edwin and Audrey Tinsley
Leann Tipton
Elizabeth W. Tirrell
Seth and Ami Tobin
Blake Tollett and Karen Kelly
JoAnn Torrez
Dominic Toutcheque
Mary Tran
The Travis Family
Edward Travis
Leah Treadwell
Dale and Roy Truitt
Rita Tsai
Hannah Tucker
Kevin Turnell
Ashley Turner
Fred Turner
Stacy Tusia
Twin Liquors
Twisted X Brewing Company
Leslie Tyler
Stephen Tyler
Stephen Tyler
Mary and Ed Tyson


Wade Uloth
Kimiko Unberhagen
Dana Uribe and Joel Reyes
Echo Uribe
Wade J Utley and Cameron Pohlman


Caroline Valentine
Mike and Michelle Vallandingham
William Valley
Adam Van Alstyne and Margaret Woodland
Van Sickle Family
Steve Van Vlack
Gina D. Van Zandt
Shay Vance
Jacqueline and Stephen Van Erp
Lana Varney and John Briscoe
Christopher P. Vaughan
Allen Vaughn
Velocity Credit Union
Elaine Vianello
Scot & Kim Vidrine
Jerome Villanueva
Robert Villwock
James Vincent
Sean Vincent and Karen Delk
Vineyard Brands / Cono Sur
Greg and Karen Vinson
Virginia and Steve Visser
Joe Vivion
John and Candace Volz
Page Von Roenn
Patricia Vonne
Chris and Jill VonSchweinitz


Paul Wachowiak
David Wacker
Elizabeth Waddell
Eric and Phyllis Waelder
Christina Wagoner
Michael Wahl
Erin and Lawrence Waks
Mary Walcutt
Barbra Waldare
Anthony Waldman
Amber and Jared Walker
Heather Walker
Tamara Walker
Jana Wallace
Teresca Wallace
Jeremiah Walters
Lee A. Warbinton
Kathryn and Danny Ward
J. Anthony Ware
Dr. Teddy Warner and Sharon Warner
Amy Warr
Lacey Warren
Paul D. Wataha
Michael and Daren Watson
Patrick Watson
Wayne and JoAnn Moore Charitable Foundation
Julia Weatherby and Jay Weinshenker
Robert Weaver
Michael and Julia Webber
Thomas Webber
Hester and Richard Weigand
Morris and Lauren Weiss
Jerald Welch
Kara Weldon
Diane Welker
Jenny Wells
Chrissie Welty
Mendi and Dale West
Sherri and Travis West
Lisa and Samuel Westbrook
Leslie and Bryan Weston
Mitch Weynand
Glenn Whatley
Cass Wheeler
Diana Wheeler and Donald Redmond
Kurt Wheeler
Jonas White
Terry and John White
Jim Whitefield
Tyler Whiteley
Allen and Kathi Whitley
Bill Whitten
James Whitten
Daniel Whittington
Why Knot Now Foundation
Russell Wickman
Sharon and Michael Wichterich
Laura Wieland
David Wiggins
Ryn Wilcox
M.A. Wiley
Mike and Marianne Wiley
Catherine Wilkes Household
Judy Willgren
Robert and AnnaBelle Williams
Candace Williams
Germaine Williams
Kelly Williams
Samantha M. Williams
Mackey and Spencer Williams
Robert Williamson
Chris Willingham
Amy Willson
Terry Wilmarth
Cory and Sarah Wilson
Douglas C. Wilson
Ann and Eric Wilson
Jay and Anne Winckler
William Wine
Suzanne and Marc Winkelman
Michael T. Wisor
Kristina Witt
Leslie and David Wolff
Cynthia Wong
Matthew Wong
Preston Wong
Amy Wood and Todd Shaw
Anne and Peter Wood
Ashley Wood
Alison Woodhams
Matthew A. Woodings
Daniel and Terry Woodroffe
Michael Woodward
Wright Family Foundation
John Wright
Rhonda Wunderlin
Michael and Jessica Wyatt
Rachael E. Wyatt
Chet Wyzykowski


Lynn Yeldell
Yeti Coolers
Dianna Yip
Yale Yocham
Denny Sue Young
Jimmy and Giselle Young
Joe and Peggy Young
Michael Young
Nick Young
Ryan Youngblood and Amanda Machleit
Sheila Youngblood


Kendall Zachary
Connie Zapalac
John Zapp
Laura Zappi
Debbie and Christopher Zarrella
Cory Zass
Richard Zbranak
Kindra Zepeda Rodriguez
Bret and Cyndi Zieman
Julia Zimmerman

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