The Paramount Story Wranglers Summer Writing Roundup : Paramount Theatre Austin

The Paramount Story Wranglers Summer Writing Roundup

The Paramount Story Wranglers Summer Writing Roundup

Welcome to the Summer Writing Roundup!

New Themes Announced Every Monday! Submit Your Stories by Thursday each week.

Watch the latest video below to find out this week’s theme.

  • Do you want your story to be performed by the Story Wranglers? Follow along with the videos below (or upload your own story file directly) to submit an original story based on this week's theme. One lucky story will be chosen each week and turned into a unique performance and shared on our YouTube channel!

    This year the Story Wranglers are excited to be partnering with Badgerdog Creative Writing Camp to expand our realm of storytelling. Badgerdog campers fill the page with original poetry and prose, encounter the work of classic and contemporary writers, and experience each stage of the writing process—from idea generation to editing and publication.


    Story-Writing Tools

    Steps of Writing

    1. Brainstorm
    2. First Draft
    3. Revise
    4. Publish


    Story Spine

    Once upon a time...
    He/She/It wanted...
    And ever since that day...


    Revision Tools

    Word Choice
    Main Idea

    Download a printable Story Wranglers Journal!

  • Now Write Your Own Story

  • If you prefer writing your story in pencil instead of typing it below, upload a picture of your story here!
    Max. file size: 512 MB.

  • Watch this quick video about how to brainstorm.

  • Use the 1-minute timer above and write down as many NEW characters as you can. And...GO!
  • Which of the above characters will be the main character of your story?
  • (An adjective is a word that describes a noun.)
  • Use the 1-minute timer above and write down as many NEW settings as you can. And...GO!
  • Which of the above settings will be where your story takes place?
  • (An adjective is a word that describes a noun.)

  • Watch this quick video about how to write a first draft.

  • (This is where you introduce your character and your setting.)
  • (What does your main character want to have, or a goal they want to achieve?)
  • (What is the problem? Why can't they get what they want?)
  • (What happens next? How are they going to try to fix the problem?)
  • (How would you like to end your story? Does the main character get what they want?)

  • Watch this quick video about how to revise.

  • (That’s where you go back to your story and ask questions in each sentence to add more details!)
  • (That’s where you go back to your story and choose a few words to make them more EXTREME!)

  • Watch this quick video about how to publish your story.

  • Let's use our Main Idea Lightbulb. What is your story about? Keep it short and don't give too much away!
  • Use all the tools in your Revision Toolbox as you put together your final story below. Once upon a time... He/she/it/they wanted... But... Then... And ever since that day... THE END
  • This email will receive a copy of your story when you hit the PUBLISH button below.

Questions or comments? Reach out to