Escuela de Nada Reschedule Form : Paramount Theatre Austin

Escuela de Nada Reschedule Form

The Escuela de Nada show, initially rescheduled for Thursday, August 24, 2023, has been moved to Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

Good news — we’ve saved your seat! Let us know you can make the new date and you will remain in the seats you purchased. You will receive your new tickets by email once we process your response.

If you are unable to make the new date, you have options:

If you’re able, please consider turning your ticket purchase into a tax-deductible donation to protect Austin’s historic nonprofit theatres. The Paramount is one of only 20 theatres left in the entire country that is over 100 years old and still in use as a venue thanks to the support and love from our community.

You may also choose to turn your purchase into a credit for a future show (see upcoming events here) or request a full refund.

Escuela de Nada presenta Semper Bichos programado para el 24 de agosto ha sido reprogramado para el 13 de septiembre.

Buenas noticias: ¡hemos guardado su asiento! Háganos saber que puede hacer la nueva fecha y permanecerá en los asientos que compró. Recibirá sus nuevos boletos por correo electrónico una vez que procesemos su respuesta.

Si tiene preguntas sobre sus boletos existentes o no puede asistir a la nueva fecha, contáctenos en: o (512) 474-1221

  • Including the order number from your ticket purchase confirmation email will help our box office process your request.
  • Have additional questions? Our Box Office team can assist you at or at (512) 474-1221.