Paramount Camps - Information and Policies : Paramount Theatre Austin

Paramount Camps – Information and Policies


Registration Procedure

The purchase and registration for our camps will be completed through our ticketing website. Here are some tips to make the registration process simple:

  • The purchase process has a time limit of 15 minutes so be prepared before you start the process.
  • If you do not have an account on the Austin Theatre Alliance ticketing website, create an account. Please enter all information including your mailing address and phone number.
  • If you have an account and know your password, log in and review your account details to ensure they reflect your current address and phone number.
  • To reset your password click here.
  • To begin registration, select a camp and select “1” seat to purchase. On the next page you will select your camper (if they are currently in our system) or enter your camper’s name and birthday. On the following pages you will enter emergency contact and other information. You must complete all fields with a red asterisk or the system will not let you complete the registration.
  • Once you reach your cart you can click “Continue Shopping” to purchase more camps or check out. After entering payment your registration will be complete. You will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive an email conformation, please contact us at

If you have any questions or problems, contact us at

Health and Safety

Mask and Vaccination Policy

Masks are recommended for staff and campers, but not required.

COVID-19 vaccinations are recommended for staff and campers, but not required.

If you would like information about COVID-19 vaccinations for children 5 years of age and older, we recommend you visit

By participating in Paramount Camps you voluntarily assume all risks related to COVID-19 exposure. We reserve the right to change our policies and to require masks, for any reason, based on the recommendations of the CDC or Austin Public Health.

What we will do

  • We will notify all parents and guardians if there is a positive COVID-19 case among campers or staff. We will also inform parents if the positive case is among your child’s color group.
  • We will not disclose the name of the positive camper.
  • We will regularly clean and sanitize rooms and surfaces.
  • As much as possible, campers will stay with their groups (approximately 15 students) and maintain distance.
  • In group rehearsals for Camp Paramount and Camp Story Wranglers (45-60 students), students will be distanced from other color groups while they learn music and choreography.
  • We will maintain a supply of adult and child sized masks, available to campers and staff at any time. We will also stock hand sanitizer in every classroom.
  • As much as possible, we will take advantage of outdoor spaces, keep doors open, and use box fans to circulate airflow.

What we ask you to do

  • If your camper shows symptoms of illness, you will be asked to come pick your camper up from camp. They are welcome to return to camp after symptoms have resolved and after they test negative.
  • Please do not send your child to camp if they are experiencing any signs of illness or COVID-19 symptoms.


Limited scholarships for camps are awarded on a case-by-case basis based on availability of funds. Applications are open now for 2023 Summer Camps.


The Austin Theatre Alliance is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment and equitable access to all educational programming for students of all abilities. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at

Attendance/Make-up Policy

Paramount Education does not guarantee that camps cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e., weather, power outage) will be made up; no refunds will be issued. We do not offer make-up days due to a child’s inability to attend. In rare instances, camps may be cancelled 2-weeks prior to the start of camp due to low enrollment. A full refund will be issued in these cases. We ask that you please communicate any planned absences to the Camp Administrator on the first day of camp. This will help us to create a productive camp rehearsal schedule.

We do not offer make-up days and no refunds will be issued due to a child’s inability to attend, because of illness or other circumstances.


Any cancellations must be communicated before May 1st. The tuition will be refunded less a $100 administrative fee. From May 1-May 31st, only 50% of the tuition will be refunded. There are no refunds after June 1, 2023. If you are registered for a camp and need to change sessions, there will be a $50 administrative fee once the change is approved. If your camp session is cancelled due to low enrollment, you will be refunded your tuition payment.

We will not offer refunds based on our mask, vaccination, or COVID-19 health and safety policies.

Drop Off/Pick Up

Camp Paramount and Camp Story Wranglers sessions are held daily from 9am to 4pm. We ask that campers be dropped off no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of camp and picked up no later than 4pm. Songwriting Workshop is held daily from 1pm to 5pm. We ask that Songwriting students be dropped off no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of camp and picked up no later than 5pm. Students are not allowed to walk home from camp without written consent from a guardian. A detailed arrival and dismissal procedure will be communicated to all parents and guardians prior to the start of camp.

Extended Care

Early Care is available for Camp Paramount and Camp Story Wranglers daily from 8am to 9am for $100 per camp session. After Care is available daily from 4pm to 5pm for $100 per camp session. If you would like to purchase both Early and After Care, the cost is $175 per session. You may purchase Early Care or After Care at a rate of $15 per day if you do not need extra care for the entire session. Early and After care is supervised unstructured time for students and may be purchased during the online registration process or prior to the start of the camp. Extended care is not available for the Songwriting Workshop. For more information, please contact us at

Late Pick Up

Parents/guardians will be assessed a $10 charge if a child is picked up more than 15 minutes after class/camp ends, and an additional $1 per minute thereafter. Please ensure that your child is picked up on time.

Payment Plans

Arrangements can be made between Paramount Education and parents/guardians to split the cost of camps into a payment plan. To make arrangements, please write to and include “payment plan” in the subject line.

Personal Items/Cell Phones

We strongly suggest that nothing of value be brought to camp. Cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices are only allowed to be used during break and lunch times. Paramount Education assumes no responsibility for any lost or damaged personal items.

Photo Release

Paramount Education reserves the right to use photos and videos taken during camps and performances for promotional (via print or the web) and archival purposes only. In an effort to keep our young performances safe and to maintain focus, the taking of photographs, videotaping, and the use of recording devices is not permitted during camp performances. All performances are filmed and photographed by Paramount Education. Digital copies of camp performances and performance photographs will be shared with camp families after the camp concludes.

Zero Tolerance

In order to provide students with a safe and supportive environment, Paramount Education maintains a strict “Zero Tolerance” policy in regard to physical or verbal abuse, theft, vandalism, and the use of any and all illegal substances. Any student found in violation of this policy will be asked to leave the camp and no refunds will be issued.