Community Programs : Paramount Theatre Austin

Community Programs

Austin Script Works

Austin Script Works exists to support dramatic writers by providing opportunities at all stages in the writing process – from inception through production. ASW supports the whole writer, not just an isolated project, and dedicates itself to career advancement as well as artistic growth. Committed to high artistic standards, ASW seeks to protect the writer’s integrity by encouraging playwright initiative and harnessing collective potential.

Austin Script Works is as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. For more information on their current programs, please visit

State School of Acting

The State Theatre School of Acting is a professional training facility affiliated with Austin Community College and the Austin Theatre Alliance, an umbrella organization for the Paramount and State  Theatres. The Director of the school is Babs George, a professional stage/film actress and a recipient of a MFA in Classical Acting from The Shakespeare Theatre’s Academy for Classical Acting at The George Washington University.

For more information on their current class offerings, please visit